We understand that for some of our patients, receiving dental treatment can be daunting. At Mosman Fine Dental, we pride ourselves on always aspiring to provide the most comfortable dentistry possible. Having dental work done doesn’t have to be scary. Our dentists and hygienists offer an array of gentle techniques. These include nitrous oxide sedation, oral sedation and conscious IV sedation (also known as sleep dentistry).
These services allow us to undertake dental treatments while you are relaxing.
Conscious IV sedation is popular amongst our patients who have an underlying fear of receiving dental treatment. It differs from a general anaesthetic as you can still breathe on your own whilst under the effects of the sedation drip. This means you do not need hospitalisation for ventilation by a machine.
You will need to fast for 6 hours prior to your IV sedation, which is why we often schedule your treatment in the morning. Once you arrive you will be screened medically again by the sedation team and you will be connected to sophisticated monitors checking your blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels at all times.
Conscious IV sedation will see you put into a deep sleep. Usually, this means you can have your dental work carried out over 1 appointment. And the best part is, when you wake up, you’ll have no recollection of having the treatment done. A responsible chaperone will take you home and you will need the next 24 hours off to allow the full effects of the IV sedation to wear off.
We work with a team of experienced and talented sedationsists and anaesthetists, who come to our practice to provide this service on a monthly basis. So, don’t let fear stop you from achieving great oral health and the smile of your dreams. To discuss the various options for pain-free dentistry, contact us. We are happy to help you, every step of the way!